Our Children's Earth

Your One Stop Shop for Eco Ideas, Crafts & Gifts.

Recycled Containers Into Toy Containers April 6, 2013

Do your kids love to collect little toys?  My boys do!   Lately they have been collecting these cute little ninja’s that needed a home so I can quit stepping on them.  They are almost as painful as a legos to step on.   But where to put these little guys???  As I am pondering little toys on the floor I see my stack of coffee containers from my Mother-n-law.  These will be perfect for their toys and what a fun craft project to do with the kids.


For these cute containers you need the following items:

~old coffee containers, or you can use any old containers that are safe for kids to use

~scrape book paper, old wrapping paper, newspapers or anything that your kids will like to decorate their containers with


~glue gun






 First you need to pick the kind of paper you are going to use.  My boys had a fun time looking through all the paper and finding patterns they liked.
DSCF9618Then you have to trace the size of the patterns on the paper that will fit your containers.  If your kids are old enough they can cut the patterns out themselves to work on cutting skills.


Then take the paper and glue gun to glue it on the containers.  We glued it on the top and the side.  My one son decided to add extra fun to the front  with a cute cut out.


Here you go, you have your fun containers to hold your toys.  Now no more excuses for little ninja’s on the floor.  These would also be cute for gift boxes, food containers or a variety of things.



3 Responses to “Recycled Containers Into Toy Containers”

  1. emerywhy Says:

    I love this idea! Super cute! 🙂

  2. This idea just got runner up in the Upcycler’s Creativity Challenge….we are so excited right now: http://love2upcycle.blogspot.com/2013/06/upcyclers-creativity-challenge-may.html

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